+420 224 818 214, +420 603 477 582, Šaldova 24, Praha 8 - Karlín  


CRP examination

This examination provides a simple measurement of a parameter than indicates inflammation.

The blood test is carried in our surgery on the spot. The whole examination doesn’t take more than about five minutes. It is done from one drop of blood only, which is taken with a prick from the patient’s fingertip. And that’s basically all. Then the nurse mixes the blood with a diagnostic agent, puts the mixture in a special diagnostic tool and in a few minutes we have the results. This examination must be prescribed by the doctor. It can help to decide if the patient’s illness is viral or bacterial in origin. If it is the latter, antibiotics may be appropriate, which is not the case if the illness is viral. Treatment with antibiotics is not without risk.

INR measurement

Patients on anticoagulants such as Warfarin (to reduce the risk of blood clotting) need to have their INR value regularly checked. Among the most common reasons for this treatment are cardiac problems (patients with a pacemaker, irregular heart rate, or after valve replacement…), thromboembolic disease, and as a follow-up to major operations (such as the replacement of joints).

During this treatment it is important to adjust the dose of medication, so that blood is neither too diluted (with a risk of bleeding), nor too thick (with a risk of clotting). Measurement of the INR parameter helps with this adjustment. In the beginning of treatment INR must be checked more frequently. After stabilisation of the INR level (normally at a value of between 2 and 3), the frequency of testing can be reduced to once every 4-6 weeks.

The blood test is carried out in our surgery on the spot. The whole examination takes no more than about five minutes. Just one drop of blood is needed, which is taken with a prick from the patient’s fingertip. The nurse then puts the drop onto special paper, which is inserted into a diagnostic instrument and in a few minutes we have the results.

The patient does not need to refrain from eating before the examination, which can be carried out at any time during the day. If the INR value is between 2 and 3, the nurse will book the patient for the next check-up. If not, the doctor must check the result and consult further with the patient (adjusting the Warfarin dose).

Glucose and glycoside hemoglobin level measurement

This examination helps to diagnose diabetes or to control the level of compensation in patients with alreday established diagnosis of diabetes.

Both blood tests are carried out in our surgery on the spot. Examinations take no more than about five minutes. Just one drop of blood is needed, which is taken with a prick from the patient’s fingertip. The nurse then puts the drop onto special paper, which is inserted into a diagnostic instrument and in a few minutes we have the results. The patient does not need to refrain from eating before the examination, which can be carried out at any time during the day.

Depending on the result, the doctor decides whether further examinations or checking are needed. If the finding of a higher level of blood sugar is for the first time, the diagnosis of diabetes needs to be confirmed with a blood test taken from the vein and the patient must refrain form eating for 12 hours before the test (with only a light supper the day before).

While blood sugar examination shows the actual status, a glycoside hemoglobin measurement gives information about longer term compensation of diabetes 2nd type.

We provide ongoing care for patients with so-called diabetes II. Patients with so-called diabetes I and complicated cases must however be referred to a specialist.